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Ron C.'s 1968 Camaro

3 May 2021

We never like to hear stories about car accidents from our customers, but Don's East Coast is here to help them find the parts or services they need to get their car back on the road. Our customer, Ron, wasn't settling for less than the best and we were glad to help. Here's Ron's story...

I bought this 1968 Camaro RS for my birthday last year. I found it online at a dealer in T.N. and my friend lived close by, so I sent him to check it out and to be my eyes & ears for me.

It has the matching numbers, motor, and transmission in it. While I was waiting for my friend to bring it to me in M.O. I started ordering catalogs and doing some research on what was available out there to customize it my way. After I got the car, the hideaway headlights needed some work so I installed a DSS electronic conversion kit to do away with the old vacuum operated system, installed Autometer gauges and tach. Then, the pandemic hit so not too many places to go with the car. I did have a picture in my head I wanted to take with the car at a local lake. After getting that shot, one of the places I had ordered a catalog from sent me an email mentioning a virtual Car Cruise, so I sent that photo in. Several months after the Virtual Car Cruise they sent me an email wanting permission to use that photo on their October New Pats Catalog.  Needless to say, I was very happy to do that!

Now is where Don's East Coast comes into the story:

On Thanksgiving Day of last year, I was filling my car up with no ethanol premium at the local gas station and as I was getting back in my car after paying for the gas, I notice this car backing out from a spot in the front of the store. I said to myself, this guy's gonna hit my car! I jumped out, hadn't even got my door closed yet, and started yelling and waving my arms! Then, BAM!, right into the front of my, then less than a year old to me, Camaro. I was furious! The guy said he was not paying attention and did not even see me.  After contacting his insurance company, I told them I was not going to settle for cheap knock off parts and the car was original 1968 metal, the fender could be repaired and at the time I was not sure how or where, but I was not going to accept anything but an original bumper. After lots of searching and talking to all of my car friends, I finally found you Don's East Coast Restorations. And low and behold you happened to have my much needed and sought after front bumper. After several months of waiting patiently to get my car into the nearby shop of my choice, I finally have my car back better than the way it was thanks to you.

I plan on getting the rear bumper replaced real soon, as it has a few spider webs and chips on it. Hoping you will have that as well to complete my car. The finish on the front one is VERY NICE!

Pictured: The lake photo, as well as photos with new bumper.


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